Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Hello all!

    Welcome to my blog! Still trying to get used to blogging. I am not too sure what I am suppose to be writing on here so I am just improvising.  I find that I am super busy this week. Not just because of the holiday's like many others are, but because so much is going on! I picked up more hours at work this week, my children are out of school, and I am having to take care of my granny for a few nights. She needs full care and I am glad to be able to do it. It is also good practice for the job field that I am going into. I am excited about Christmas this year. This is the first year my children have participated. They know who Santa is this year and I can't wait to see their faces Christmas morning. Even though my twins are 5 and my oldest is 6, it feels like the first Christmas. Them having autism has really made me appreciate moments like this. I got to teach the how to eat a candy cane this year and they were so excited. So no matter what this holiday season will be so very special to me. I am so grateful for how far my children have come and how well they are doing! I am also excited to get to know everyone in class a little better! I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful holiday season! Be safe everyone!

Noreen (Nicky)